Your friendly API that fetches meta, open graph data, used fonts and technologies from any given site in one HTTP request.
Send a request with any URL:
Grab the meta, Open Graph data, used fonts and technologies:
"meta": {
"title": "ScreenshotOne - The only one API to take screenshots of the websites",
"description": "Fast and reliable screenshot API built to handle millions of screenshots a month."
"fonts": [
"first": "Jost",
"fallback": [
"Segoe UI",
"Helvetica Neue",
"Noto Sans",
"Apple Color Emoji",
"Segoe UI Emoji",
"Segoe UI Symbol",
"Noto Color Emoji"
"elements": [
"first": "sfmono-regular",
"fallback": [
"Liberation Mono",
"Courier New",
"elements": [
"openGraph": {
"title": "Reliable and Friendly Screenshot API",
"description": "Fast and reliable screenshot API built to handle millions of screenshots a month.",
"image": ""
"technologies": [
"slug": "bootstrap",
"name": "Bootstrap",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "lazysizes",
"name": "LazySizes",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "crisp-live-chat",
"name": "Crisp Live Chat",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "cloudflare",
"name": "Cloudflare",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "rss",
"name": "RSS",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "pwa",
"name": "PWA",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "open-graph",
"name": "Open Graph",
"confidence": 100
"slug": "http-3",
"name": "HTTP/3",
"confidence": 100